Thursday 26 November 2009

Hi All

Yup it’s me again!!

Had a Gastro appt last week – all seems ok, keep getting a pain in my right side may have a bit of narrowing going on at a join in my intestine so gonna keep an eye on that, apart from that all seems ok.

Had a check up at Haematology Tuesday – everyone seemed very happy – bloods looked good, put on some weight about 9 stone now – yup I’m a fat baldy lol but hey Rachael (the dietician) is happy and trust me it’s hard to make Rachael smile lol,
So now just a waiting game really – waiting to get better ………… waiting to get sick lol

But I do kinda find myself in an odd situation – or different situation – physically and psychologically!

With the Crohns as unpredictable as it is, I kinda got to know the sign and symptoms having had it for so long so in some ways always knew where I stood or what to look out for.

With this transplant and being formatted (immune system wiped) so to speak and having to be so so so careful of germs and virus’ it is kinda strange ……………….. Sometimes find myself sitting round waiting to get sick!! As gotta be careful for months, so its all very strange and so far I have been quite well (well not a bad a predicted) – really tired but not too bad.
Ooh and the tiredness is different! Yeah weird I know! Used to feeling fatigued with the Crohns, body used to give in first followed by the head but this is the other way round my head/brain gives up first its like I hit a mental wall – then the body follows (I think it has no choice as brain too knackered to make it move lol)

Well thats about it - dont go back to hospital til the 7th and 8th Dec unless summat goes wrong!!

Bye for now P xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thursday 12 November 2009

Brave Little Soldier ...... Not!

Hi All
Had clinic appt Tues which went well n don't wanna see me for 2 weeks which is great - just a bit concerned cos white cell count was quite high - but had to go back to day unit again today and it has gone down so that's good :-)
Had my Hickman line removed today - ouchhhhhhhh!! well actually I was really brave when they put the local anesthetic in - Gemma the nurse on the other hand was a complete wimp and I had to hold her hand - PMSL, that was the worse bit the rest was just pressure - Im sure it will hurt a bit later when the bruising comes out as it was well n grown truly in there!! - But Gemma n Katherine were great :-)

That's kinda it really - all going well so far :-) :-) :-) still trying to stay germ free!

P xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Monday 9 November 2009

Happy to be home :-)

Hi all

Been home nearly a week now - cant believe it!! feeling ok if very very tired - 2nd lot of chemo kickin in now :-( and trying to stay germ free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had bloods done last week all seemed ok - back for clinic appt n bloods again 2moro so will see wot they say!!

P xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday 3 November 2009

I'm Coming home I've done my time!!

Got the news - count went up to 3.6 overnight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so that's me outta here this afternoon.
Still gotta be squeaky clean careful but yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh home!! - really surprised it has happened all so quickly and almost incident free so far.

Baldy P gets her 'freedom' pass lol

lotsa love to all .................... from almost on the outside lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Monday 2 November 2009

The only way is up .................... Baby!!

Docs not long been round - My little 0.1 count of yesterday has increased to a whopping 0.4!! and the news on the street is .......................... If tomorrow my count is 0.5 or over I not only get to leave my little prison cell I get to go home .........................2moro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How about that for some good Monday morning news - was almost too excited to enjoy my massage lol

Still gotta take it easy for a good few weeks/months gonna have to be careful as open to infections n stuff - so still have to go to the hospital for clinic appts and the day unit - to keep a check on me and my bloods.

So anyway GROW you little f******s GROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love to ya all
P xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday 1 November 2009

I want to break free!!

lol that could be a song you know.
Ok 8 days in the room now getting a bit bored (not forgetting the clocks went back last weekend so that did add another hour - officially!!)

It's the just just not knowing when I will be allowed out - don't get me wrong I don't be going off out to the cinema or shopping or anything - but just a teeny weeny bit of fresh air would be lovelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Just saw one of the doctors - maybe in a few days i.e. when count goes up to 0.5 I can leave the room i.e. walk on the ward!.

Well that kinda all i can say really as not alot happening at all,

Luv Ya all
Thanks for the comments/messages :-) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Friday 30 October 2009

Who is a clever girl then .....................

Yep that would be me!!

Managed to get my neutrophiles up to a whopping 0.1 lololol all by myself without the GCSF! SO THERE!!

Thats cool - Im impressed, also had a visit from Vinnie (Dentist) he stuck my tooth/goldcap back on so that was cool too.

Oh but some other count or other has dropped :-( so gotta have a couple of bags of bag of blood! - Thankyou to all the wonderful blood donors out there :-)

P xxxxxxxxxxxxx Counting, counting, counting lol

(this message should have been posted yesterday but was a small Internet problem)